Four factors on which success of Day Trader Depends

1: Selection of right trend :
most of the time traders select the wrong  Trend so this is the big mistake they make while trading means they don't see there is an up trend on the daily chart and there is an up  Trend on the four-hour chart they just see 15-minute charts and there is down Trend so they think did might be downtrend. actually, this is a common mistake each makes so first you need to understand what type of treated you are are you a scalper day trader are swing trader.  first, confirm what type of your trader. 
if you select and analyse the trend carefully mostly your trade go in a profit direction.

2: No plan just buy and sell : 
                                                   if you don't have any plan then why are you taking trade? just make your plan before taking a position.
so plan befor trade write your plan and execute when the price reaches to your level.

3: is price do some thing at your plan entery point : when you see price reach to the point where you want to execute trade then first see price or market show anything like rejection resistance on that point like example you draw a resistance line on $7 price when price reaches $7 there is no salary available and price is consistently going up and you place sell order so by pressure is large and your trade  position goes against you so first check what price to on your plan entry point.  show something then you can execute trade.

4: the right time to take trade :
 most people take a trade when there is not a right time to execute the trade.
means trade is away from their entry zone or price crosses their entry zone or far away they just enter early and end up on the loss or stop loss hit so I prefer. please wait for your entry be patient do not do it early. trading has 60 percent patience if you do not have any patience then stop trading and always wait for the right time to execute the trade 
candle closing and new candle opening are also big factors so just keep these things in your mind while trading.